
It’s not just about buying — it’s about using: what happens after the decision

Written by Matthias Varenkamp | Aug 26, 2024 2:41:27 PM

Choosing the right financial system for your business is a big deal, but the real challenge starts after you’ve made that decision. It’s easy to focus on picking the right solution, but what comes next—getting the system up and running, training your team, and making sure everything works smoothly—is where things can get tricky. The truth is, many businesses hit unexpected bumps in the road during this phase, from hidden costs to confusing setups. Let’s talk about how to avoid those pitfalls and why Cobase makes this process as seamless as possible.

The reality of implementation

After choosing your financial system, you face a new set of questions: How will the implementation be handled? Are you going to need external consultants, which can add extra costs? Will the solution provider manage the setup, or will your team need to take on some of the work? And importantly, what happens if something goes wrong—who’s responsible?

These concerns are valid. In practice, many businesses discover that implementing a new system is more complicated than they expected. Some providers might require you to bring in expensive consultants to get the system running. Others might promise easy integration but struggle to deliver, leaving you to deal with unexpected delays and costs. Worse, when issues arise, it can be unclear who is accountable, leading to finger-pointing instead of solutions.

Are you sure your provider can deliver?

Here’s a critical question: Are you sure your provider has done this before? Implementing a financial system isn’t just about the software; it’s about knowing how to connect it seamlessly with your existing infrastructure. Many providers will assure you they can integrate with all your systems and banks, but the reality can be very different.

Before you commit, challenge your provider. Have they successfully set up similar integrations before? Can they prove it? How quickly can they get you up and running, and do they have the experience to back up their promises? These are tough questions, but they’re essential to ask. The last thing you want is to discover halfway through implementation that your provider is in over their head​​.

How Cobase keeps it simple and transparent

At Cobase, we know that the success of your financial system isn’t just about making the right choice—it’s about ensuring everything works smoothly once you’ve made that decision. That’s why we’re committed to making the implementation process as straightforward and hassle-free as possible, with no hidden surprises.

Support from day one
When you choose Cobase, you’re not left to figure things out on your own. We provide you with a dedicated project manager who guides you through every step of the implementation. We don’t rely on expensive external consultants—we handle everything in-house, ensuring your system is up and running on time and within budget. Our project manager is your single point of contact, so you always know who to turn to if questions or challenges arise.

No hidden costs
One of the biggest concerns during implementation is the fear of hidden costs. Some providers might offer a low initial price but tack on charges for every additional feature, customization, or unexpected challenge. At Cobase, our pricing is transparent and straightforward. You only pay for the features you need, and there are no hidden fees. This means you can budget confidently, knowing there won’t be any surprises down the road​​.

The integration landscape

Integration is where many systems stumble. You’ve been promised seamless connectivity with your banks, ERP, and other systems, but how often does that promise hold true? With Cobase, we bring years of experience to the table. We’ve successfully integrated our platform with a wide range of banks and systems around the world. Our extensive library of pre-existing connectors means we can get you up and running quickly, without the need for extensive custom development. And if you have unique requirements, we have the expertise to handle them​​.

Getting your team ready

A financial system is only as good as the people using it. Even the most sophisticated system will fail if your team isn’t comfortable with it. Cobase understands this, which is why we make sure your team is well-prepared from day one. Our platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, minimizing the learning curve. We also provide tailored onboarding and training to ensure everyone knows how to use the system effectively, helping you get the most out of your investment right from the start​​.

Staying on track and on budget

It’s a common story: a project starts strong but slowly drifts off course, eating up more time and money than planned. This is a risk with any major implementation, but at Cobase, we work hard to keep your project on track. We develop a clear plan with defined milestones, so you always know where you stand. Our approach is built around transparency and accountability, ensuring you stay within budget and meet your deadlines​​.

Ongoing support you can count on
Your financial system needs to keep evolving to stay effective. That’s why Cobase offers continuous support and maintenance. We handle all the updates and any issues that arise, so you don’t have to worry about them. Our support team is always ready to assist, ensuring your system remains efficient and reliable long after the initial setup​​.

We’re here to make it work—no excuses

At Cobase, we believe our job isn’t done until you’re fully operational and satisfied with how your system is performing. We’re committed to making the process as smooth and transparent as possible, with no hidden costs and no excuses—just a system that works the way you need it to.

When you choose Cobase, you’re not just buying software—you’re partnering with a team that’s dedicated to your success. We’re here to ensure everything goes smoothly from day one, and we’ll be there to support you every step of the way. No excuses, just results.

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