Thank you ATEB Summit 2022
Wed, Jun 29, 2022
What a fantastic day in Brussels! The first in-person ATEB - Association of Treasury Experts in Belgium Summit since 2019. It was an afternoon filled with breakout sessions and networking , and it ended with cocktails and a special BBQ at De Warande.
Thank you to all for attending our session at the summit. It was the perfect opportunity to meet existing clients and speak to many Belgian Treasurers.
We talked about:
• how to handle file format complexities (incl. MT to ISO20022 XML)
• if there is uniformity and to what extent
• the pros and cons of outsourcing your formatting
• the future of file formatting
If you still have nightmares about file formatting and its complexities, and if you are still not sure whether you are prepared for the MT to ISO 20022 XML / MX change or not:
Make sure to make an appointment with one of our experts: