Meet Cobase at the 2022 edition of Money20/20 in Amsterdam on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June 2022. This year Cobase will again be present at the annual event. Are you interested in how Cobase drives change in the future of money? Book an appointment with one of our representatives and get to know more about Cobase and its solutions.
About the Money20/20Money20/20 was founded in 2012 by Payments and Fintech veterans from Google, TSYS and Citi. They broke the stereotypes anchored in snoozefest business conferences, and designed an experience built for the industry, by the industry.
Money20/20 is a place where C-level executives, renowned speakers, innovators and disruptors from across the world drive change in the future of money. In Amsterdam 3 days of conversations, connections and discoveries enable individuals and organisations of all sizes to achieve their goals and grow.
Money20/20 Agenda
For the full agenda click here: The Money20/20 Agenda
Let's meet!